
Anchorage School District


Anchorage, Alaska


The Anchorage School District has more than 50,000 students in a total of 100 schools. The city has 8 high schools which is where most of this equipment is being utilized. The student population reflects the rich cultural and ethnic diversity of the community with 87 different languages spoken by students in the district.

Mobile Beacon Solution

25 laptops, 36 Modems with unlimited data plan


“Leilani” was a graduating senior taking seven classes during the school day and one more online in order to graduate with her class. She stayed at school most days to use a computer. The availability of a Mobile Beacon loaner allowed her to graduate on time and walk with her classmates.

Prior to coming to the United States, “Nelly” and her family lived in a refugee camp in Africa. Since moving to Alaska, Nelly and her family have been homeless for all but 8 months, moving ten times in two years. These moves impacted her ability to graduate on time. She was loaned a computer, took an online class, received tutorial help, and graduated on time.

“Tristan” is a homeless unaccompanied youth who “couch surfs” at friends’ homes. He used a loaner laptop to complete an online course he needed to graduate. He has now begun full-time employment and plans to enroll in college in the fall.

“Sarah” was also homeless and unaccompanied as she moved between friends’ homes during her senior year. She worked full time and had difficulty completing her course work. With the help of a loaner laptop and tutorial support, she completed the online course late at night after she got off work. Sarah successfully completed her high school studies.

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“Mobile Beacon's service provides connectivity to our refugee students and their families, giving them access to school and community resources that might otherwise not be available to them. Your grant is making a big difference in the lives of many of our students.”

— Joe Hackenmueller, Supervisor, Educational Technology, Anchorage School District