
Together, we kept more than 260,000 people online – and counting!

It is amazing what a group of committed and passionate people can do! At the end of last year, Mobile Beacon finally had the ability to transition our community of school, library, and nonprofit users to Sprint’s 4G LTE network. With only 90 days before Sprint’s WiMAX network was permanently shut down, our small staff of nine began the huge task of ensuring every single client who relied on us for Internet access had the opportunity to make the move to LTE.

As a thank you to our existing customers for their support during a difficult transition period, we created “Convert & Connect ,” a 1:1 device donation upgrade program to make the switch to LTE much more affordable. Convert & Connect offered a free LTE device for each active line of WiMAX service our customers had. All active lines of service were eligible for a free donated device, so some customers received 100+ donated LTE devices.

Convert & Connect was a great success!

73% of our existing users participated in our Convert & Connect donation program and received a free LTE device and our new $10/month, unlimited 4G LTE Internet service.



Our work is not finished.  There are still too many schools, libraries, and nonprofits who lack sufficient broadband access to meet their needs. And 34 million American remain offline. We remains committed to helping close this digital divide and ensure that every American has the opportunity to participate in our digital world.


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